Master your mind, master your reality

Do you think life has great things in store for you?

What is I am mastermind?

What is I am mastermind?

We are an institute dedicated to the study of the mind, committed and guided towards the purpose of providing a space for personal development and growth for people, where they can understand their true essence. We know that life often presents us with numerous opportunities, but we are not always aware enough to see them. Therefore, our contribution to society consists of ensuring that others can live a meaningful and enriching life, through the study and application of this knowledge.



For one hour every day, surround yourself with like-minded entrepreneurs, learn life-changing information, and take control of your future. Our most popular program for motivated professionals who want the best out of life. Unlock your dormant potential by applying for the Climbing Through Life program now!

Descubre Estilo de Vida de Maestría, un programa integral de 16 lecciones diseñado para ayudarte a alcanzar el crecimiento personal y el desarrollo profesional que deseas. Obtén las herramientas necesarias para crear un estilo de vida creativo y satisfactorio alineado con tus objetivos y pasiones. ¡Inicia tu camino hacia el éxito y la realización personal aquí mismo, en Estilo de Vida de Maestría!

Take your life and business to the next level through this 12-month program designed for entrepreneurs and business owners who are ready to make quantum leaps in their success. Get ready for a comprehensive transformation in your professional career with the Business Matrix (IAM) Mastermind!



For more information click here


Live a life of abundance. Our programs are designed to take your business to new heights and ultimately give you financial freedom.


Learn to work efficiently and with passion with our Mastermind programs. Get more done in less time and make the most of each and every day.


Our programs will give you the mindset and courage you need to pursue your dreams, achieve your career goals, and live the life you choose for yourself.


By increasing your income, having more time to do what you love, and having more freedom to do what you enjoy, you will feel like life is finally working for you and you will achieve true happiness.

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John Doe


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Jane Doe




We are here to help you

Phone: +1 432.231.7313


13029 Quaker Ave. | Lubbock, Texas 79423

Monday – Friday 8:00 AM – 5:00 PM
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